The Christian church is historical, but it’s also now. It’s global, but also local. As we declare what we believe as Christians, we are uniting not just with the people in the same room as us, but uniting with churches across the globe and across time who share our faith. This faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. This faith that is experienced, but also written in black and white in God’s Word. This faith that laments our sin, but also rejoices in our salvation in Christ.
We introduced this song to our GospelLife family in November 2020. Like its writers, the song has grown a lot since then, and it’s taken on many different forms which we look forward to sharing with you in the future.
But for now, we pray that you will be blessed by this song as it was originally written – by three friends, sitting around someone’s lounge room on a Saturday afternoon, worshipping God together.