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1 / 10Phillip and the EuneuchPhillip and the EunuchThe Sin Of SimonHoly Spirit Magic?The Thieves of Joy: LossThe Thieves of Joy: PrideThe Thieves of Joy: DisbeliefThe Theifs of Joy: DisappointmentGood Gospel Spread | Acts 8:1-8Acts 6:08-7:50 / WWJD?God's Good Order : Acts 6:1 7A Glorious Vision for the HouseholdHow We WorshipGospelLife | House of Refuge StatementWhat is Worship?1 / 10
Series and Resources
Here you can find each book of the Bible we have preached through, as well as any resources that may be beneficial to you in studying God’s Word further.
1 Peter
Easter 2022
7 Psalms
the gospel of john
Gospel Partnership
NY Same Mission
FAMIly on Mission
Easter 2020
Advent 2021
The king - easter 19
Advent 2019
Gospel Reading
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